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how to separate BuddyPress Notifications into one by one.

  • @stevengnk88


    Hey guys,
    I have a wordpress forum with Buddypress integrated.
    I use Buddypress Notification Bell plugin as a convenience. I put it on Navigation with shortcode.
    My users feel annoyance when the notifications are grouped (merge) together, which make them have to click on each one to know the specific content of the notice.
    If user have more than 1 comment (or reply) on same topic, the notification will group all of it into 1 notice. For example: “You have 3 new replies”. I can’t specify what content the notification was mention to.
    User have to visit Notifications page in Budypress Profile to see full of the notices content.
    So, is the a way to separate or ungroup them (the grouped notifications) and show one by one notifications.

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  • @venutius


    It sounds like you need to add a function that automatically clears down all the notifications for that content when the content is viewed by the user. There’s nothing built into BP to do that.



    Nah nah
    I just want to separate the notifications one by one.
    For example:
    Firstly, I receive a notification : You have 1 new reply on topic “A” from “username”.
    Next, a other user comment on my another topic, and I received: You have 2 new replies.
    That’s it.
    From the second notification, I cant get anything clearly from the notifications, y’know. The notifications which I mention are the notification bubble from admin toolbar and from The notifications Bell module, they have same result.
    Finally, I just want the notifications just show one by one, not grouped.

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