not sure i understand correctly, but if you want the resume page to show as default landing tab (in place of the user activity) when you are on a profile, you can use this:
define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'resume' );
Add it to bp-custom.php
Codex reference.
Basically in the final look I have to remove tabs all together and will have custom links/ buttons here and there to edit profile and cv fields. So I was looking for a hook which will extract cv data onto the landing page. I have copied single directory files into theme child and working on that so basically I want to pull data into home.php file of single directory . hope this explains well
Hum, not really…
Do you use this plugin ?
yes its the plugin i am using
What i want is to show view page content in the landing page of buddypress which is home.php . Is there any way i can achieve that?
bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/home.php contains dynamic templates and shows by default the member activity template.
If you use the above code, you’ll get Resume as default content. This is the simpliest way to achieve what you want.
FYI: the Resume plugin is 4 years old and no more maintained. In 4 years, many things changed in xprofile component and what you actually can do with these fields is much more evoluted than 4 years ago. IMO, you wouldn’t even have to use it, as you can get a similar result directly with BuddyPress.