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How to turn off e-mails in 1.7 beta 2

  • @limitx3m


    I can’t turn emails off for the “@limit / mention.

    This is extremely troubling when importing a large database. Users are getting spammed. Thank you

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  • @djpaul


    Assuming the Settings component is active, users can turn off notifications inside their profiles.




    Yup, spamming your own users is not good.

    How are you importing to your database ?

    It may not be feasible for your situation, but one way to handle this is to import in two passes.

    In the first, import everything except email addresses.
    and give everyone the same email addy – an email addy that functions and that you control.

    In the second pass, swap that addy with the members real email address.

    This is also useful on dev sites, that use real member data, when testing anything that can generates emails.



    You can write a snippet, and maybe add it to your import script, that turns off notifications for all users.
    But you’ll need to store the actual settings so that you can restore them later.

    You can filter all emails being generated and swap out the ‘To’ address with one of your own.
    This is the quickest and easiest approach.




    I’m aware that users can turn it off.

    Let me explain again.

    I have a vbulletin database and am converting it over to bbpress.

    When doing so, I get notifications for EVERY @ in the last 3 years. That’s several thousands of emails going out and spamming users.

    I need to turn it off so I can test the database conversion and I don’t want to spam my thousands of users.

    Should I report this on the trac?


    Thank you for replying. Looks like I will need to do one of your suggestions.

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