When activating the skeleton comp. before you edited it did it work ok? You should have had a tab show up in groups called example.
Docs: https://codex.buddypress.org/developer-docs/group-extension-api/
oh wait, group api and skeleton comp are two separate things. skeleton comp creates a component. The group api adds features to a group.
Okay, I simply want to add some extra fields to create group page, and be able to see the same fields I add on the edit page. I figured group extension API create_screen and edit_screen functions can help me achieve that. However, I don’t know how I can incorporate group extension api into my project.
There isa plugin BP group extras that ads more fields to groups set up
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have already tried that. However, it is not exactlu what I am looking for. That plug-in only add extra fields after a new group has been created. I want to standardize all create group page. So if the user first time create a group, the extra fields are on the group page creation page.
oh, I see. well the api would create a new screen. it doesn’t really add to the current group fields. You would need to add action to:
do_action( ‘bp_after_group_details_creation_step’ )
do_action( ‘groups_custom_group_fields_editable’ )
Thats if you simply wanted to have a few more fields below the name and description
@wordpresshacker If you succeed and when you are done can you pls.publish here your working code- plugin? I would love to have those extra fields there too.
You can add extra fields to a group during creation easily with the api it just wouldn’t be listed under the name and description fields. when I have a moment i’ll toss up a quickie plugin file for this.
thank you @modemlooper
New version of BP Group Extras from @slaffik does exactly what we need , but not globally yet, with his latest version you need to create the fields for every group over over again
but he has new excellent feature – unlimited group pages
Ok, so there still is a need for global custom group fields. Making an enhancement ticket for it.
Why a new ticket? There’re all the actions you need to add new fields and save the data from these fields. Seems like that plugin might need some work. BP has all the necessary bits and pieces, though…
I’m thinking BP should have in core the same profile field creation but for groups.
BP should definitely have this in core – just like like they do for Profile fields.
I agree with @modemlooper, there’s no need for a plugin if it will be implemented in core(hope it will run quicker), group’s fields is very important feature and I think that for many users who use groups as company & venue’s descriptions like me also much more important than profile fields. If not I hope @slaffik will finish his great work on it globally.
I’m looking for someone to develop an API for my buddypress site that would allow users to sign up on my site, then connect to other sites of mine using a “Login with” button.
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I agree about adding groups. I am 3 hours in using the extras plugin. If someone can give me a hint on how to go back to step one easily from within the bp_before_group_details_creation_step I have it finished and will post my changes here.