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html tags displaying in edited forum posts

  • waitingforoctwp


    Hi all, please excuse me if this is a dumb issue, I am very very new to WordPress.
    I am running Buddypress – all of my groups have forums associated with them. Forum posts look fine, but when they are edited I lose the html bar at the top and the edited post is full of displayed html tags. Any ideas?
    I am running the latest version everything (wordpress, bbpress, buddypress, theme, etc)

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  • ronfastway


    I was having a similar issue. I had html being displayed at the top of some of my buddypress pages. I finally found the culprit to be this bit of code I was using in the <head> section of my site —>
    <meta name=”twitter:title” content=”<?php the_title(); ?>”>

    Changing it to the following fixed my problem —>
    <meta name=”twitter:title” content=”some static text here instead”>

    Now I just need to figure out how to make it work with the PHP code without generating random HTML at the top of my page.

    Hope it helps.

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