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HTTP 500, BuddyPress, and CBX Rating Plug-in

  • themigraineguy


    Hey all,
    After installing BuddyPress, I got an HTTP 500 error. Went through my list of plug-ins, found out it was CBX Rating and Review that won’t work with BuddyPress. Website works as long as one of them is disabled. I’ve contacted CBX, but am curious if there are things I can do to figure out why this is and what I can do. System info:

    WP version 4.7.4
    Theme DocPress 2.2.2
    PHP version 5.6.29
    bbPress version 2.5.12-6148
    site url
    Active Plugins Name and Version
    – p1 Above The Fold Optimization 2.7.10
    – p2 Akismet Anti-Spam 3.3.1
    – p3 bbPress Messages 2.0.7
    – p4 bbP Toolkit 1.0.10
    – p5 bbPress 2.5.12
    – p6 Benchmark Email Lite 2.6
    – p7 CBX Multi Criteria Rating & Review System 3.9.0
    – p8 CBX Multi Criteria Rating & Review System Addon 1.1.8
    – p9 CBX Multi Criteria Rating & Review System myCred 1.0.2
    – p10 Content Views
    – p11 Custom Searchable Data Entry System 1.6.0
    – p12 DocPress Footer Credits Extension 0.1
    – p13 Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
    – p14 Jetpack by 4.9
    – p15 MOJO Marketplace 1.1.3
    – p16 Participants Database 1.7.3
    – p17 Content Views Pro 4.6.1
    – p18 Seriously Simple Podcasting 1.15.2
    – p19 Seriously Simple Stats 1.1
    – p20 Social Locker | BizPanda 4.5.0
    – p21 Social Media Feather 1.8.3
    – p22 Stop Spammers Spam Control 6.15
    – p23 Theme My Login 6.4.9
    – p24 Wordfence Security 6.3.8
    – p25 Yoast SEO 4.7
    – p26 Facebook Login 1.1.6
    – p27 WP User Avatars 1.3.0
    – p28 Related Posts 5.12.70

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