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I am trying to remove activity comments as separate entries 2.0

  • @humiges


    Dear @danbp,

    I have seen and tried the solution you kindly provided at: “I am trying to remove activity comments as separate entries” on:

    function my_bp_activities_include_activity_types( $retval ) {
    // only allow the following activity types to be shown
        $retval['action'] = array(
         //   'activity_update',
        return $retval;
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', 'my_bp_activities_include_activity_types' ); 

    This is awesome, until I found out that it also removes them in @-mentions – the …/activity/mentions/ posts … please, is there any way I can keep those under …/activity/mentions/ ??

    Thanks a lot :))

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  • @djpaul


    You’ll want to add new_at_mention to your list of types.



    Dear Paul – @djpaul,

    thank you for your kind reply.
    Works like a charm.

    Please, is there any way I can add the link to the comment too? The activity just says:
    for example “Paul posted a new activity comment” but no actual link to it 🙁

    …. maybe this is the answer:

    activity->id, $activities_template->activity ) ?>
    <a href="” class=”button acomment-reply bp-primary-action” id=”acomment-comment-“><?php printf( __( 'Comment %s‘, ‘buddypress’ ), bp_activity_get_comment_count() ); ?>


    However, I’m not sure where I should actually have it?

    Thank you very much 🙂



    Dear @djpaul ,
    please ignore my previous reply.

    I found out that the // ‘activity_update’, works a bit TOO well/much 😉 , since it also removes the activity information about the new comments created in blogs.

    Please, is there any specific removal as // ‘activity_update’, — however, this one only removes those which are posted in Buddypress Profiles?

    This would mean… I would still see:
    [username] commented the post [postname]

    However, if someone replies the BuddyPress activity/comments the
    [username] posted a new activity comment
    Will not show/ create.

    Thank you very much

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