Day 2.
There must be a way to have updates/posts with activity comments, which match the term searched for, appear at the same time as updates matching the search term.
me posted update
me replied
The behavior at the moment is to not load anything until the heartbeat/refresh kicks in, then it loads the result of the search, so it is finding the matching results in comments but for some reason delaying them being shown.
Load more use the Heartbeat API who refresh the activities each 5 minutes.
In BP 2.0.1, if you search for heartbeat, the result is:
Search “heartbeat” (57 hits in 6 files)
bp-activity/bp-activity-filters.php (25 hits)
bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php (5 hits)
bp-core/admin/bp-core-settings.php (6 hits)
bp-core/bp-core-admin.php (4 hits)
bp-core/bp-core-options.php (9 hits)
bp-templates/bp-legacy/js/buddypress.js (8 hits)
Read the code if you understand it and see what you can do.
If not or if you estimate that it is a bug or needs an enhancement, open a ticket.
Yep. thank you very much.
Will take a look
Made no progress, reported the bug now.
10 years, 8 months ago
Any ideas?
I can’t even find the file where the ‘Load Newest’ prompt is generated, I’ve been through every single file.
My issue is that when searching the activity stream, results of the search that are in comments rather than updates are not loading up straight away but only after the usual ajax refresh.
If anyone can tell me where the load newest is generated that’d be a great help.