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Improved Support for BuddyPress

  • @rxcknrxll


    I would be happy to pay for BP if it meant a more responsive/robust forum or some type of support. Just putting it out there. So far, moderation here seems sporadic at best, and most questions go unanswered. As it’s a free forum for a free product, what more can be expected? I don’t mean this as a complaint. I’m just sayin…some of us would be happy to pay a good price for a product that’s backed by solid, moderated support forums. My two cents :-)

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  • @hnla


    Why do you place this emphasis on moderation? We have approx half a dozen moderators which is more than enough and I’m not sure I see what you require us to be moderating?

    In reality I would say most questions do get answered, however questions along the lines of “I need to do xyz but have no idea how” can tend to receive a perfunctory response if it means that something has to be coded up for them as this forum – obviously – is not a service and manned by volunteers.

    Paying for BP is not an option it’s open source software, maybe someone needs to create a fee paying membership forum where users can expect dedicated help, but that starts to become a full time job for someone – forums take a lot of management and dev time to maintain.



    I do understand what you mean. I felt my comment could easily be taken as a criticism, but that’s not my intent. There are definitely a lot of posts with crazy B.S. questions here, which deserve nothing more than a cursory response. By moderation I just mean dedicated and detailed responses to legit questions. It’s been frustrating for me, as I’ve received more of a response and detailed help from my Facebook friends than from the BP forums.

    Again, I truly don’t mean this rudely. If I was a volunteer moderator here and had to wade through all these threads, it would be impossible to offer the level of support I’m talking about. I’m just pointing out that I think there’s a market for higher end support. Does such a thing not exist?

    It’s true that a forum like that would take a lot of management, but it seems to me BP is pretty much the best solution for this type of site. And as soon as you start using BuddyPress, it becomes clear that ongoing support is going to have to be part of the equation. A monthly fee for solid, responsive tech support seems like a very viable opportunity. I’d be happy to help facilitate that if there’s anyone that agrees.



    actually didn’t take it as criticism, it’s just a difficult area support forums for OS apps are run by volunteers, the ones that can answer questions effectively are more than often working pros so haven’t that much time for in depth help.

    There are a few private forums or sites dedicated to BP you could try buddydev or bp-tricks? but not sure of the level of support those can offer.



    Will check those out. Much appreciated sir :-)

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