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[Resolved] Installed on WordPress Mulitisite but can't see buddypress on my site

  • @dachimaster


    HI there,
    I’ve just set up a website as a wordpress multisite, and created a wordpress site.
    Installed buddypress and network activiated it, but can’t see any evidence of it in my wordpress site? wondering have i missed something in the installation?
    I’ve instsalled Buddypress 1.6.4 on a wordpress multisite version 3.5.1



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  • @sbrajesh


    You will need to configure BuddyPress before it comes into action.

    Look for the notice in the Network admin. If it is not there, just click Network Admin-> Settings->BuddyPress and you should see the configuration wizard.

    Hope that helps.



    Hi Thanks Brajesh,

    found the settings buddypress tab and clicked through. but no configuration wizard to speak off
    all i see are the tabs across saying – components (with 10 active, and 2 must use), pages, settings and forums (where i installed the configure site wide forums). . checked again in the wordpress site, and still buddy press hasn’t shown up. .

    Should i be installing buddypress 1.7 perhaps?



    Are there any special network settings i need to authorise for buddypress to operate?



    Are you doing it on a live site? Is your Theme BuddyPress compatible. For BuddyPress 1.6.x, the BuddyPress features are only available to BuddyPress enabled theme. In BuddyPress 1.7, BuddyPress automatically supports all themes(but 1.7 is still in beta and not recommended for live site).



    Yes i am doing it on a live site. . Good point on compatibility , i just checked the theme, and it says its compatible with BuddyPress 1.6.1, BuddyPress 1.6, BuddyPress 1.5.3, BuddyPress 1.5.2. i’m downloaded the current version which is 1.6.4. .should that be a problem? (I’m using a theme from themeforest called detube)



    You should set up WP fully first checking all aspects of a standard WP install work correctly, when that checks out proceed to activating BP and doing so with the default theme initially to establish BP is set up correctly and working fully only them move on to activating a third party theme.



    THanks for your suggestion. . when you say default theme, do you mean to download a specific buddypress theme? .



    Hi Thanks Hugo,
    i’ve set up a brand new separate installation on a test site.
    installed wordpress MU 3.5.1
    installed buddypress 1.6.4 from the plubin menu
    network activiated
    ran through setup wizard
    activated the buddypress theme

    Went into the dashboard of the site
    Buddypress theme present
    but no evidence of buddypress plugin in plug ins in plug in area?

    Any ideas?
    many thanks



    More importantly than being able to see the plugin listed is whether BP is running correctly?


    The plugin – activated as ‘network’ – is listed in plugins list on the network admin dashboard.



    Thanks Hugo. I’ve reinstalled everything and found the installation wizard and it all seems to be working now:). . just figuring out how to set up eerything. thanks so much for your help and pointing me in the right direction!:)

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