An update on this problem…
Installing BP on a WPMU installation configured for subdomains works but installing it on a subdirectory WPMU installation doesn’t work. On both of these installations WPMU is installed in the site root.
Does this mean that BP cannot be used with subdirectory WPMU installations?
OK, the problem is with bp-groups.php. When this file is present, the site is blank – when it is removed, the site reappears.
Is this a bug or does BP require a WPMU subdomain installation?
Just to close this out, I reinstalled my WPMU installation as subdomain instead of subdirectory and it works fine now.
However, if you are installing WPMU and BP as subdirectory, then it probably will not work at the moment.
Case closed.
Hmmm… disappointed at the lack of response to a reasonable request. 
None of the tabs work in my install, I get the same blank pages. And guess what… I chose directory instead of subdomain. It would be kinda nice if someone could confirm if there is in fact a problem with this – it would save a lot of people wasting their time and potentially giving up… and not coming back…
Not sure why this thread got overlooked.
As far as I know the choice of subdirectory or subdomain as an mu blog option on install doesn’t matter. I have seen complications where people install mu in a subdirectory under the document root and then have chosen the subdirectory blog option.
I haven’t been able to pin it down but some weirdness crops up in that case. In both cases it’s been difficult to determine exactly what the problem was. They had difficulties getting their shared hosting provider to cooperate. It’s kinda tough to pin things down when getting access to error logs is like trying to get an audience with the pope.
There are no ‘subdomain’ only specific requirements.
Thanks burtadsit.
In my install it looks like none of the slugs got created… I have no idea why… but it means /groups or /register of course go nowhwere
. Apache error log ain’t much use… of course it tells me those pages are 404!! Is there some way of manually creating these in the DB? It looks like a number of people are getting one or more slugs not created for some reason. My install is in the site root, so nothing to do with that. It’s on my own Clark Connect server, so shouldn’t suffer any of the shared hosting issues.
I’m trawling through bp-core.php right now and sticking echo’s all over the place, I’ll report back if I find anything.
@dug — Try manually creating these pages in the main blog: “Groups” and “Register” and “Members” and “Blogs”. Just title them and publish. No content. See if that helps.