BuddyPress is a WordPress plugin so will need a copy of WordPress to run. Does that help?
So I would need an install of WP on the main site (mainsite.com) and another install on subdomain.mainsite.com)?
I believe you would have to unless you used multisite.
Do you think multisite is a better way to go? My concern with multi is that there are so many plugins not designed for it and I’m concerned out random code conflicts and bizarre little bugs popping up.
I know multi is great but I have seen so many little annoying things happen because of little coding conflicts.
Have a read of this article, it’ll help you make up your mind as to whether multisite is the best approach for you:
Don’t Use WordPress MultiSite
Ha! Perfect. I don’t want to use multi. It’s cool but it gives me nightmares. 😉
8 years, 2 months ago
If we install BuddyPress on a subdomain, do we need to install a separate copy of WP there and then add the BuddyPress plugin?
And would there be any way to pull in things like recent pics and recent comments/posts from the subdomain to the main domain?