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Integrating BuddyPress group forums into other pages

  • @cheapstix


    Hi guys

    In the bbPress documentation there are some shortcodes which can be used to place parts of the forum on any page (such as the bbp-forums-index shortcode etc)

    Is there a code I can use to place the buddypress group forums index on a page? This is in an install running both sitewide forums and group forums (with groupforums using a ‘group-forums’ slug)

    To give some context, my site is based around a sports activity, with groups used for different clubs in different locations. If possible I’d like a page where I have the sitewide forum displayed using the forums-index shortcode, then below it the user’s group forums index, to give them relevant content related to the groups (locations) they are in whilst being on the same page as the sitewide forums index.

    If it was possible to place other Buddypress things (activity feed, Member list etc) on custom pages using shortcodes that would be amazing as well, I’ve searched the web and looked in the codex but all I can find are the shortcodes for the bbPress plugin (which only displays sitewide forums)

    If anyone is able to help me it would be much appreciated



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  • @djpaul


    No, BuddyPress or bbPress 1.0 doesn’t have any short codex. The short codes you refer to are part of bbPress 2.

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