Do you want those child sites to be individual BuddyPress sites, i.e. not connected?
Hi Paul, sorry missed this and really looking for an answer… no they should be connected, so if someone registers on any of the sites they share the same user database and can move between them all… possible? either that or does buddypress have news themes?
Do you want those child sites to share *all* data, or just the user accounts?
Hi Paul, no all sites should have there own data, each social network is it’s own social network but people can move between social networks and add comments in groups
Hi Paul, any luck with this?
I have tried to push ahead and test the install on a test site, I followed these steps:
1. Installed WordPress on main site –
2. Installed and setup WP Multi Network
3. Created my child sites –,, etc – all works fine
4. Installed Buddypress on (network install, couldn’t install on child sites which was expected)
At this stage I noticed the had buddy press (I figure I can hide the bits on this site if I don’t want to have social networking on the main site) .. but I also noticed the sub sites have buddypress but just linking back to the mainsite, they are not social networks in there own right, each separate, which is what I need…. so
5. I installed BP Multi Network – to have separate networks
This didn’t do what I expected, the sites still all appear to link from the main site, the sub sites do not have pages for:
I could create these but they will all go back to the main site, they need to be site specific, separate for each site…. which is what I expected BP Multisite to do..?
Any ideas?
I can put up with buddypress on the main site, although I hoped not to have so I could have a good newspaper/magazine theme on the main site, but if thats the only way to have all the user databases connected I can hide what I need to.
Any help please?
I’ve not used a multi-network but as I understand it your site1… sites needs to each be their own network. You then need to activate BuddyPress on each of those networks.
Are your current site1 normal multisite sites right now?
They are not there own sites, I used wordpress network to create all the subsites, are you saying I need to create separate wordpress and buddypress installs for all the subsites, then use multi-network to join them all? I’m happy for them all to be separate, I just need the user databases to merge so people can login to them all without logging out and having different accounts to login with?
I don’t really need buddypress not to be installed on the main site anymore, I’ve found a suitable theme that will allow me to do what I want, so now I need the ability to have the following but the ability to have users login to one and be able to move between them all:
Main site = (buddypress theme/network)
Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)
Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)
Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)
Question remains, do I need separate installs of WP and BP and if so how do I make it so users can move between them (so have one user database).
Or do I use wordpress network and bp multisite?
There isn’t such a thing as “BP multisite”.
As I said I’ve not used a multi-network so I don’t know the specifics. As I understand, your ‘child sites’ each need to be in their own network. You then activate BuddyPress on each.
Not separate installs. Not new sites created under the ‘main site’ in a regular multisite config. Multi-network basically gives you multiple multi-sites, all running from the same files. If you’ve already done this, try contacting the authors of the WP + BP multi-network plugins and see if they offer support.
Multi-network support in BuddyPress is still a pretty new feature and it’s not used by many people, which is why it’s hard to find someone who has the answer 
Sorry I meant Multinetwork, i was given the below: but having some troubles… I’ll keep slogging away.. thanks
1. BP MultiNetwork – which requires WP MultiNetwork or Networks+
2. BuddyPress Multi-Network – which you can use with Join Blog Widget plugin which you’ll find in the same site.