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Investigating WP+Buddypress versus Joomla + Community Builder

  • @mikekiwi



    I’ve got som experience in creating Joomla sites with Community Builder and Menalto Gallery. Now I’m asked to create another website for a group Photographers. What I need is a gallery-module in which each member can submit his pictures (and I can create a gallery for non-members with one album per photographer). Another thing to have is a forum (only for signed in members) and a members list with all contact info (including phonenumbers and adresses) of each member. This members list should also only be accessed by signed in members.

    Is this possible with the WB + BuddyPress combination?

    Thanks for your help!

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  • @r-a-y


    Try BP-Media:

    There’s also a paid plugin for this as well:

    As for members list, you’ll have to either use a plugin or code something that restricts access to that as by default, everything is open to the public.

    And regarding a forum for signed-in members, currently BuddyPress uses a concept called “Groups” (much similar to Facebook’s fan pages). Forums can be enabled on a per-group basis, and groups can be public, private or hidden.

    Hope that answers your questions for the most part!



    Thanks r-a-y! The gallery part certainly looks o.k. in terms of functionality (will look for some examples around to see what it looks like). Forum/groups thing is not the major part, so I guess that can b established as well.

    So the only real challenge would be to make sure the members-list will be visible for registered users only. Hmm…I’ll see if that will be a showstopper, I myself am certainly not capable of coding this myself…

    Thanks again for your reply!



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