Check out the Persistent Object Caching article for a good overview of the various ways to cache.
Yes, thanks. I read that. I’m currently using Apc and Memcache configured in wt3c. As the object cache from redis seams to be pretty great.. I may test it out in test environment first..and see if it gets me any good results. What would you recommend?
I haven’t used Redis for caching but would be interested in what you find. Perhaps you could post your results here?
Yes, sure.. I haven’t started testing it yet, but very soon. 🙂
I dont know if this issue is specific to me but when I enable redis I get all kinds of weird results.
My host is cloudways and I have followed this instructions for enabling redis
1) Could not delete activity streams
Disabled redis…changed my theme to twentyfifteen and enabled redis once again but
1) I could not activate the redis plugin….no matter ho many times I activate it, it gets deactivated on its own
2) The active theme reverted to my original theme on its own
3) When I try to get to redis plugin settings; get error”You do not have permission to access this ..”
Is this issue specific to me? Please update on your tests too
Hello @Navinachettri.
I’m an employee of Cloudways.
Have you tried disabling Object Cache of W3TC as mentioned in article ? If that not works, please contact our 24/7 live chat support.
They’ll definitely help you out 🙂