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Is BuddyPress just an open-source version of Facebook ? :)

  • candeed


    Hi, all..

    Pardon me for asking this but I just want to make myself clear about the concept of BuddyPress road-map (as I’m new in this neighborhood..)

    If WordPress is the parent project of BuddyPress, why can’t I see strong relationship between their goal / function ?

    The keyword is creation or creativity…
    Basically, WordPress is authoring / blogging / creating activity…
    so I guess BuddyPress should be a social network that connects creators and audiences (by paying more attention on posting activities).

    If in BuddyPress users activities are just :
    – create profile
    – favorite status.
    – mention each other.
    – message each other..
    then isn’t it just re-inventing the wheel ?
    BuddyPress is not just an open source version of Facebook or another Ning…

    There’s a favorite feature in BuddyPress, but why can’t we favorite a post that published by author ?
    Why can’t we favorite a media which uploaded by an author ?
    Why not the group creation is integrated more with post or post category?
    Why don’t BuddyPress has features for authors to easily “repinned” other author posts ?
    Why don’t the relationship between users is more related with posting-reading activities ?

    In my opinion, Buddypress should be a social network that connects authors, readers, and every creation in between.


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  • modemlooper


    Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You can create all the functionality you want by extending BuddyPress. BuddyPress should not obtain a position that its a be all. It should have a core that helps someone to extend functionality. It would be very easy if it’s not already a plugin to have a like feature for WP content.

    In my opinion, Buddypress should be a social network that connects authors, readers, and every creation in between.

    You can have this. you just have to tweak BuddyPress to accomplish this.



    Okay, thanks for replying @Modemlooper ,

    So the goal of this community in creating BuddyPress is just to create a common social-network platform for everyone.. right?
    So anyone are free to extend its functionality..
    (they can create their MySpace, they can create their Facebook, and so on..)

    BuddyPress uses WordPress CMS as platform and follows WordPress’ open source philosophy,
    but BuddyPress has nothing to do with how WordPress manages users and content.. (as admin, editor, contributor, reader…)

    If WordPress fans need to add social features to their WordPress authoring activities, they should extend BuddyPress functionality themselves to accomplish this..

    Let’s say if WordPress bloggers need to add like button for post and follow/unfollow feature for favorite authors.. they should tweak BuddyPress functionality themselves or find a plugin for this..

    Is it right?




    Yes, the default of BuddyPress is to show the common social network but you don’t have to go that route. Look at the Tasty Kitchen site as an example. The authors post recipes and they use BuddyPress to manage the user profile and connect ratings and such.



    Authors post recipes, and user read and discuss that recipes.. That’s basic function of WordPress, (not BuddyPress..).

    Tasty Kitchen uses WordPress plugin WP-PostRatings so their users can rate a post by an author.. That’s a WordPress plugin, (not exclusive to BuddyPress..).

    What I’d like to say is:
    such a basic social feature between authors and readers (which needed by sites like Tasty Kitchen) should be covered by BuddyPress default.



    Yes they are using a WordPress ratings plugin because that’s all they need. A BuddyPress user IS a WordPress user. BuddyPress just makes it easier to make WP content more social. a lot of WP plugins work with BP like the ratings plugin. Your expecting BuddyPress to be exactly what YOU want OOTB. It should only give you building blocks to achieve your goal and it does. The reason I showed you Tasty Kitchen is that its a perfect example of they had a site that users added posts(recipes) with ratings. Nothing new here WordPress gives you this through various plugins. They then used BuddyPress to aggregate user content and allow user relationships.



    No, please don’t take it wrong.. I’m not expecting BuddyPress to be exactly what I want..
    I’m new here and I’m not expecting much.. Please don’t feel like being forced by me or something like that..
    I’m just interested in BuddyPress and very excited to know more about the concept of this special plugin.. I notice that BuddyPress is ‘more than just another WordPress plugin’.

    Err…, so based on your answers, as you said, @modemlooper , can we conclude as below :

    BuddyPress is ONLY aggregates WordPress content… but this plugin is not deeply integrated with WordPress content.
    BuddyPress is sitting on WordPress CMS platform, without following how WordPress’ system in managing users and content.
    BuddyPress plugin adds user relationships to WordPress, but that relationships has nothing to do with WordPress content and user management..”

    (In my opinion, I’m just thinking that it should be great if in the future BuddyPress is more integrated with WordPress. But that’s just my opinion.. It’s only a feedback from me to this community.. :) that’s okay.. Just don’t take it wrong).

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