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Is BuddyPress right for my project?

  • @codysweet02


    Hey all,

    I am new to WP and BP and I am unsure if it is the right way to go for my project.

    My site will be similar to

    Users can create a blog on my website and all blogs and posts will be pulled to my main page based on criteria such as “newest post” “newest blog” “most popular posts” etc.

    However, I do not wish to add much of the social layers which BuddyPress is intended for. Many social networking sites have failed in my niche and I wish to stay away from that.

    Basically users will create their own blog on my site and ti will function as their own except for the fact that their posts will be pulled onto my main page like in

    If BuddyPress is not the way to go, does anyone have any ideas for me? I am looking for a developer to take this project on for me so if you know of anyone, or are that person, please contact me.

    Thanks all!

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Well, the only reason for you to use BuddyPress would be if you intend on offering any kind of user centered features in the future. As it sits right now, it sounds like you’ve got exactly what you want, but in terms of forward growth and the ability to give your users a way to interact with each other in any way, that is where BuddyPress will really shine for you.



    John is correct. From the way you describe your needs, it sounds like you will be happy just using the multi-user version of WordPress (WordPress Mu). You do not have to install the optional BuddyPress plugin suite. You can always add it later if you want to provide your members with more features.

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