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Is BuddyPress suitable for a large-scale, social network with custom authentication and content moni

  • @davidmcclintock


    We are building a system that includes social networking features for a specific target audience, and has a proprietary set of authentication and protection features. I have some questions about whether we could build it on this platform:
    1) We need to overlay additional user authentication features – such as biometrics or additional personal questions, conditional on login circumstance/conditions (e.g. new IP address or PC, etc.). Is it possible to customize the login requirements/steps?
    2) 3rd party monitoring: Each user may have a 3rd party who can view their activity, (but not post). Can this be supported, or could we adapt to support this for our use?
    3) realtime system monitoring – We’d like to integrate realtime filters and monitoring on content (think automated/assisted moderation). First layer is automated, with escalation based on incidents/filter results. Is this possible?
    4) Will it support mass market scale? What are the biggest buddy press installations thus far? What tweaks are required to make it work? (e.g. what Database?). Can it go up to 1M users or more? Can you also provide an estimate of the server requirements for each of these scales?
    5) We are seeking a development house (e.g. consulting firm) to implement our changes and install and maintain this app. Can you make recommendations of firms who have implemented this before?

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  • @djpaul


    1. Anything’s possible. You’ll just need to build it. BuddyPress doesn’t handle authentication, that’s all down to WordPress (so, if you can get it working with WordPress…).

    2. By default, any user can see any user’s activity. You’ll either want to build some sort of bespoke privacy control, or see if you can get s2member (plugin) configured to work like this.

    3. Anything’s possible. BuddyPress 1.6 will have built-in integration for the Activity component with Akismet, which might help get you started. bbPress 2.x also has built-in integration for Akismet.

    4. Yes, it scales. Research into how to scale WordPress up to your expected levels of users.

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