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Resolved-Is it possible to remove steps from group setup – avatar/invite BP 1.5?

  • @jonnyauk


    I am working through a very custom BuddyPress site built on the trunk dev version of BP1.5.
    I was wondering if it is possible to remove the avatar step in group setup – I can see if I click through creating my group, when I get to the avatar step if I exit out of the group creation process the group is successfully created – with or without an avatar, so it’s not essential for group setup.

    If anyone has any tips on this I’d very much appreciate it thanks;)

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  • @jonnyauk


    BUMP – Sorry – anyone got any tips on this – I really don’t want to hack it out of the core code, but really need to remove this step in the group creation process. It’s obviously easy enough not to display the Avatar as the display of this is at ‘theme’ level – but not the actual step in the group creation process (unless I’m wrong?).



    It’s a bit weird. If you disable avatar uploads in Settings, it’ll remove from the group step; however, you’ll also turn off member avatar uploads at the same time. Doh.

    Try something like this in a bp_init hook (or somewhere after BP’s loaded):
    global $bp;
    unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps );



    Actually I stumbled across this question while spending several hours last night looking for the answer on the infamous Group Avatar step error message, after seeing there were as many different answers as there were questions, and not finding the solution (and doing what each answer suggested), I decided not to fight it. I don’t know if your question stems from this type of error or simply you’ve come to realize the group is created after the first step (as you said), but rather than using php or a core hack,etc, etc, I just removed the upload buttons and text of the avatar step using CSS, essentially users who create the group will consider it a default avatar, not get thrown off by an error message and click through the process; they then do any editing afterwords. Editing the avatar after the fact doesn’t throw any errors as it does when creating the group.
    In my case, I know it’s a child theme problem and having a static home page, even though I followed the buddypress docs to a t. Didn’t want to give up the home page for the buddypress default, so that was my solution. it’s fairly painless and works.



    Thanks @DJPaul – you got my issue in one – I need to keep user avatars functionality, but disable group avatars and the creation step… so many thanks for your answer on this one;)

    Just to clarify, in-case someone comes across this issue – here is how I bundled Paul’s tidy code into a function (this is in my bp-custom.php file in /plugins)

    function my_bp_remove_group_steps_init() {
    global $bp;
    unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps );
    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘my_bp_remove_group_steps_init’, 10 );

    The code above will remove the avatar step in group creation, and the ‘step numbers’ will respect that this has been removed – neat and exactly what I needed!

    You may also use the following to remove the group settings and group invites in the same function – although I have not done any testing on these:
    `unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps );`
    `unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps );`



    As an aside (and to be complete on subject if someone comes across this issue!) you will obviously need to alter your template to remove the display of the group avatar – but this is simple template level code;)



    It worked? Gosh, not bad :)



    Have you got updated to allow this to work in Buddypress 1.7? I’m getting errors using your original code.


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