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Is it possible to show other information in activity feed?

  • yokosatan


    I would like to show other information (from other database). Is it possible to show inside activity feed?

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  • Paul Wong-Gibbs


    What type of information? How does it relate to the activity? Or do you mean you want to know how to add different types of updates to the activity stream?



    What type of information?
    –> The information that related to the user. For example, user A is in class Math A1 and Math A1 cancel class on 17/09/2012. It will show the user A when he/she log into the site and print activity some kind “Math A1 is cancel class on 17/09/2012”

    How does it relate to the activity?
    If you mean the activity in the site, it not related in the site’s activity.

    do you mean you want to know how to add different types of updates to the activity stream?
    –> Yes, in the same activity stream or another stream is OK.



    You can show info from another database simply by calling that database and displaying the results in any format you wish.

    Integrating those results into the activity stream will be a bit more difficult.
    It would be easier to show them as a separate listing.

    I’ve used separate zipcode databases for doing radial zipcode searches and it works fine.



    Thank you for replying
    Is ‘to separate listing’ meaning that to create another post type?

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