BP-Links: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-links/
Can do what you want. Once you create a link, it gets added into the activity stream.
Ahh, I thought it was supposed to do that.
Unfortunately, it isn’t working with my single WP 2.9.2 & BP install even after I removed all other plugins to see if there was a conflict.
I have no way to “create” links and when I add a url into the “update status” box all I get is the linked url.
You have to create a link from the links directory.
eg. example.com/links
Oh ok! I get it.
Wonder if it’s missing a snippet of code somewhere. The nav link to the example.com/links wasn’t auto-generated in the subnav nor adminbar. My links was generated. Just not the “Links” button to the page with the main “Link Directory” and “Create Link” stuff.
Thanks much for the info.