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Is there a way to have twenty eleven and buddypress theme for same blog?

  • @walid3


    I was planning to have a separate subdomain blog for my buddypress in my multisite, but as there is a problem with that in 1.5:
    which I think will take time to solve, I thought to have buddypress on root blog normally, which I use twentyeleven theme for, I tried template pack plugin, but the buddypress pages look all un arranged and main profile picture is not by username and so on.

    Is there a way I can have bp-default theme for buddypress pages while having twenty eleven normally for whole blog? can it work if I copied the whole template files for ( member, register, profile ) in the twenty eleven theme? I don’t really care for preserving same pages feeling between buddypress and twentyeleven, I just want each of them to look good separately :)

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  • @walid3


    P.S. I want to use a child theme of twenty eleven with little customization I made, if that will make things any different.



    any update with that?



    You can’t use two themes for same site.



    @modemlooper do you know what template files I can mix to get the buddypress pages working on twentyeleven, basically it’s the same thing template pack does, but having buddypress template pages for buddypress content only?
    @r-a-y can you help with that? :)

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