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Is there a way to stop the BuddyPress Group forums displaying in the forum list

  • @venutius


    My forum list keeps getting new group forums added to it, I would prefer it if the forum list only contained A list of the general sitewide forums and not the forums for the groups. Is there anyway to remove them from this view?

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  • @danbp


    Hi @venutius,

    i guess you can use at least 2 options:

    Group Meta Queries: Usage Example

    or build a custom group directory and use something like this hack.

    Codex reference: groups-loop



    Would it not be a forum loop hack I’d be looking for?



    – If you want to exclude user group forums from the directory, you alter the group loop.
    – If you want to modify the way forum (whatever the type) works internally, you alter the bbpress code.

    Forums are handled by bbPress, BuddyPress only show them up and add user management.

    When you set up group forums, you create a new forum in bbPress and give it a type of “category”. Which is not the case when you create a site wide forum and use “forum” as type. This is the only difference for bbPress.

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