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Is this a bug with Notifications?

  • @mcpeanut


    I have just noticed something with the buddypress notification system that doesn’t seem to be working properly for me anyway, i need to really check this on another install which i will do later, but the problem seems to be that when a user deletes a private message without first reading it, the notification isn’t cleared! Can anyone else test this themselves please. thx

    Btw its the latest buddypress version i am using.

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  • @mcpeanut


    This is not a bump its already at the top, after testing it again and clearing all notifications via using brajeshes plugin ‘clear notifications’ it seems to now be working correctly and deleting the notifications if the messages have not been read first, i’m not sure what was causing it, if it happens again and i can pinpoint what was causing it i will let you know.
    It must have been caused by something i have done creating a custom notifications menu. i just didn’t have access to test on another install right now that’s why i wasn’t sure, but for some reason whatever the problem was one click of the clear notifications with the plugin mentioned above seemed to fix it for me :/



    Hi @mcpeanut,

    Bug confirmed at my end using Twenty Twelve, WP 4.1.1 and BP 2.2.1. No plugins installed.

    Can you open a ticket on Trac, reporting what you’ve found?



    Bug confirmed, same config as @henrywright.



    Ticket created here not sure if its correct first time submitting one



    You omit issue description or at least, mentionning this topic.
    I added it to your ticket. 😉



    Great stuff! (and thanks to @danbp 🙂 )

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