I was just thinking, is that a buddpress checkbox or a WMPU checkbox? Might need to move this to the MU forums…
No reason to bump your topic, especially three times in 2 days. 
We’ll see it and answer you when we’ve got a moment. 
If it’s a custom page, with HTML that you’re making, then you can view the source of any BuddyPress powered site and snag the HTML.
<input id="rememberme" type="checkbox" name="rememberme" checked="true" value="forever" title="Remember Me"/>
I was just following what I thought was proper buddypress forum etiquette according to rule # 7 here https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=2543.
Thanks for the response.
just got around to testing this and implementing it. works great, thanks again John!