Hi there @jarkin13, sorry to hear that this is happening, and thanks for posting it here.
Can you check your WordPress site settings and let us know what Time Zone your site is set to?
I have a hunch BuddyPress is saving a value that is then impossible to format/convert, resulting in that output, and the most likely culprit is a Time Zone offset miscalculation.
Sorry again, and talk soon!
Thanks @johnjamesjacoby! I found the issue was with a plugin called BP Better Messages. Not sure why, but I contacted them directly.
@jarkin13 I have the same problem and also have BP Better Messages. However I disabled the plugin and it didn’t make any difference after refresh etc. What was it that made you conclude that the issue was because of BPBM? Can you post any response that you have from them please? Many thanks
PS @johnjamesjacoby I’m in UK and Timezone is set to UTC+0. Strangely only some of my users have this issue …. but including the ones who actually have been active. Have updated BP to v7.1.0
PS @jarkin13 have also updated the BPBM plugin to v1.9.7.63 which appeared this morning but it hasn’t changed anything.
@johnsimpson64 if you go to your WP admin, go to Tools > Buddypress. Then there is an option to repair a bunch of data, but I just select Repair member “last activity” data.. That fixes it for me.
@jarkin13 yes that fixes it but as you said previously, a few hours later I’ve the ’51 years ago’ back. Have you found a permanent fix or has the repair option now started to work OK for you?
Did you get any response from BPBM author? There doesn’t seem to be any response from Buddypress.