8 years, 4 months ago
I tried like 5 different codes in functions.php to hide member’s last activity but I haven’t been able to fix this.
They worked some versions ago but now now.
I don’t want to hide it thru CSS, I rather not have it echoed. I don’t even need this info to be recorded.
Any suggestion? Thanks!
what exactly (xx posted … 5mn ago ?) and where would you hide this ?
Hi, thank you for answering!
The info in the member profile page. “Last active” or “Last seen” “xx hours xx minutes ago”. I would like to hide that, but not through CSS.
Kind regards 🙂
Create a template over-load of this file: buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members\single\member-header.php
In the overload, remove the span that shows the last_activity blurb.
First of all my apologies for the wrong title. I could have checked huh?
Thank you for your promptly answer! That solved it of course.
Have a great day 🙂