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Last name changed to “and jointMember Lastname”

  • @kerchmcc


    Although the versions of the listed plugins are current, we have been having this problem thru several updates of all of them.

    we are using
    Buddypress 9.1.1
    BP Profile Search 5.4.3
    BuddyPress XProfile Image Field 2.3.1
    PaidMembershipPro 2.6.2
    WordPress 5.8.1

    I have a separate field for each name part. (member, jointMember, lastname)

    However, in a growing number of cases, the member name is right but the lastname becomes “and jointMember Lastname”
    Least of the problems with this is that sorting members by last name puts a whole bunch of people in the “A” part of the alphabet and it screws up the value of exports for other reasons.

    We have manually changed the last name field to LastName
    but INSTANLY it changes back to “and jointMember Lastname”
    AND the number of these instances is growing.

    I have had a long running conversation with PMPro but we have not been able to track down the problem.
    I suspect it is some kind of issue between the profile of buddypress and pmpro
    but I have no idea where to look.
    Kerch (but I don’t think that will help anybody as it’s an admin problem and members are only visible to members)

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