You need to set up cookie integration for your BP / BB properly.
Yeah, I’ve done that, I copied the ones I have in my wp-config.php to bb-config.php and added BB_ on each of them. Is that what you meant? That was the only way I know to set this up.
Well are you sure they work? Because unless I am misunderstanding what you’ve explained above, it seems it isn’t.
DJPaul is right, you need to complete your integration. You’ll need to do than copy the defines over. For reference, what version are you using?
DJPaul is right, you need to complete your integration. You’ll need to do than copy the defines over. For reference, what version are you using?
BBpress 1.0.3, WPMU 2.8.4a, BP 1.0.3.
So if my intergration won’t work, what should I do next? AFAIK it needs all these keys and I took those I had on my wp-config.php. I’ve done a few things after that, I need to find that tutorial again. 
I don’t know what happened to my post, it became unreadable.
You need the hashes, cookie domains, cookie hashes, etc…
There are tons of posts on that you’ll be able to use.
Also, don’t forget about the integration plug-in. It will help you out.
Are you talking about these ones…
define( 'BB_AUTH_KEY', 'a85018...
or these?
define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' );
define( 'SITECOOKIEPATH', '/' );
define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/' );
Both taken from my bb-config.php.
P. S. forgot to say, I got the 2nd part in my wp-config.php too, with this line above it:
define( 'COOKIEHASH', 'c9ablaaaaah.' );
take out cookiehash from bb-config.php just leave it in wp-config
gerikg, I’ve done that, the cookiehash is in wp-config.php only.
do you have define( 'BB_NONCE_KEY',
is it still happening? can you email me the wp-config and bb-config files but take out your db login info?