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Low quality avatar if uploaded on phone (Need fix or disable cropping)

  • @paginaswebea


    Hello BuddyPress,

    First of all thank you for your work on creating the plugin.

    Second, I have a problem with a client’s website I’m currently building. We have run into an issue that when, uploading avatars by mobile, it compresses down the picture so much that it becomes blurry. It is not because of the image used. I have made sure I’ve uploaded a huge resolution photo to discard that.

    Where I see the problem is, BuddyPress somehow compresses the image to make it fit the phone screen, (it maybe makes it 150×150 for what I’ve read so far in the documentation), and then gives you the option to crop the image.

    The expect behaviour should be that the image retains the original “full” size, but shrinks down so it fits the mobile screen and you can crop/select whatever you desire.

    I hope I am explaining myself.

    I see that this bug is not new and has been around for several years, and so far, I haven’t been able to find any fix other than what is explained here, but then it stops the image from being responsive. (Anything further than 600 breaks the image hence you can’t see what you’re cropping).

    Changing default avatar size cropped/used by BuddyPress

    Is there a way to fix this, so the image retains the full quality when uploaded? I’ve set in place filters to retain 100% of quality image so wordpress doesn’t reescale them either (But you can give me more tips regarding this as well). An alternative solution would be to just disable the cropping part when uploading avatar.

    Currently I’m using the theme called Gwangi, but it doesn’t matter, because it also happens with Twenty-Twenty-One, and the forked version of buddypress Buddyboss. I’m guessing all the webpages built with buddypress have the same issue, as the ones I’ve checked so far run into the same problem. I’ve disabled CDN and everything else that could cause caching and rendering of images.

    Thank you for your time.

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  • @paginaswebea


    If there is also a way to disable cropping when uploading, I would be highly interested as well.

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