how is your apache set?
what does it mean that you’ve changed the path?
i mean, before, my website was located at home/public_html/ahtam/
now it’s located at home/public_html/
thanks nicola!
I don’t know what you mean by apache set
There’s a whole bunch of config you would need to change in the DB (can’t remember which table offhand). If you aren’t comfortable finding them, I suggest you reinstall.
I tried to find them but really i couldn’t, if someone would point them out i’d really appreciate it, thank you
ok, i’ve tried my best, i searched the database and made replacements where necessary but they were only for user avatars path or so on, nothing i could find for blog path….
is it possible that this is a .htaccess error?
Check your wp-config.php around line no. 40 for
‘define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘current_site_path’ );’
thanks a lot
but I tried setting that to the base path or leave it at / but no difference happened still shows:
Not Found
Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.
, thanks
the path is the remote path..
look your apache configs and paste your virtual host here
I tried that nicola but it didn’t work!!!!
check that the path is changed in wp_1_options and wp_site
i couldn’t find anything to change there,
let me explain more:
it’s the base path that changed (i mean system like home/public_html/ahtam) not the domain name (it’s still the same)
thanks a lot
ok, finally i found the solution,
I had to change the permalink to year/month/day/postname (i had a custom one before)