Well, you can look at this post for a quick hack to only allow members to see anything on member profiles, groups, etc. That post has a hack that applies to the /wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-member/ theme. The buddypress-home theme in /wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/ doesn’t get the hack 
You could apply it to buddypress-home theme in certain places if you don’t even want them to be able to search the blogs, groups, members, etc. but that would be a little harder to follow.
Then, on private blogs, I just use more privacy options so that private and no search engine blogs don’t show in any listings around the site. You can hack the code to actually list them in buddypress if you want, but default pattern is to not show them.
So basically, I would set the privacy for all blogs you don’t want showing and leave the main blog open. It is done with that plugin on a blog by blog basis.
Once Andy puts more of this into the core, it will be much easier, but for now we have to “hack” around a bit 
Thank you, Trent. I will explore what you’ve said.
I was working with the More Privacy Options plugin but it sent the main blog to unviewable. Perhaps I missed a setting though.
You confirmed one of my other questions — that no search engine blogs aren’t supposed to show in BP listings.
i think Trent solution is good but maybe i think in this case doing a plugin is simplier than it :S.. for every update (if you use svn for example), you’ve to reedit the code..
adding a function in your plugin that define if current visitor is logged in ( look at is_admin() for wp and some other bp conditional tags) and define if the visitor can visit pages or not..
i think it’s possible and easy..