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Making Member/Group Lists Require Log-In

  • @willpcg


    Is there any way that I can make the Member and Group Directories require the user be logged in to see it? I would imagine its got to be similar to how private pages are handled.

    Also, is there any known way to allow open sign-up for the network, but require moderator’s approval before the account can gain access to the pages?


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  • @jeffsayre


    Try this:

    As far as your second, question, I don’t think that is currently possible. Perhaps someone else knows otherwise.



    As always, thank you very much Jeff. Hopefully they’ll come out with something where we can moderate who signs up soon.



    Ugh, I just implemented the bp-custom.php updates listed there and it causes my whole screen to go blank whenever I load up the page.

    I’ll have to look into this deeper on Monday.




    Some people reported issues when upgrading from RC1 to RC2. There were a few fixes on the second page of that thread. Make sure you read the entire thread.



    I don’t mean to dig up a several day old thread but I’ve been working with the code I found on the post’s second page and still seem to have the same difficulty. I think I may be doing something wrong with bp-custom.php itself – not necessarily the code.

    Here’s what I did, maybe you could take a second and look to see if I made an obvious mistake?

    I didn’t have a bp-custom.php file in either the plugins or mu-plugins folders so I created one from scratch.

    With an empty page open I added the following code:


    * Plugin Name: bp-custom
    * Description: Custom Scripting for Securing Member and Group Directories
    * Version: 1.0

    function js_restrict_access(){
    global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;

    if (!is_user_logged_in() &&
    (BP_MEMBERS_SLUG == $bp_unfiltered_uri[0] ||
    BP_GROUPS_SLUG == $bp->current_component ||
    BP_BLOGS_SLUG == $bp->current_component)){

    bp_core_redirect( get_option('home') . "/register" );

    add_action( 'wp', 'js_restrict_access', 3 );


    I saved the php document as bp-custom.php

    I uploaded it to the wp-content/plugins directory.

    (I also tried wp-content/mu-plugins directory.)

    I went to log in and see if I needed to activate it – nothing shows up on the screen period – even on the dashboard.

    Just in case it’s relevant I’m running:

    I’m running WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1.0.1

    Thanks in advance for any help.



    I wonder if this thread:

    should be made ‘sticky’?



    Its definitely got alot of great info on it. I’m not sure I’m having issues with the actual code or with the implementation of bp-custom.php though – hence the response to Jeff after he linked me that page.




    I didn’t have a bp-custom.php file in either the plugins or mu-plugins folders so I created one from scratch.

    You did the right thing. It does not exist unless you create it!

    I uploaded it to the wp-content/plugins directory.

    (I also tried wp-content/mu-plugins directory.)

    I went to log in and see if I needed to activate it – nothing shows up on the screen period – even on the dashboard.

    The file bp-custom.php needs to be placed in /plugins/. You cannot activate it. It automatically is loaded by bp-core.php as the first required file if it exists in that location.

    As far as the code to put in bp-custom.php, try something like this:

    function restrict_access(){
    global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;

    if (!is_user_logged_in() &&
    ($bp_unfiltered_uri[0] == BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ||
    $bp_unfiltered_uri[0] == BP_GROUPS_SLUG))
    bp_core_redirect( get_option('home') . "/register" );
    add_action( 'wp', 'restrict_access', 3 );



    Thanks for the code. I there a way to restrict only a particular group and not all?

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