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Mashable running BP?

  • @finni3


    Seems like is running Buddypress now. Anyone have any info on this?

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  • @boonebgorges


    I can’t tell for sure. If so, they’ve totally rethemed it from the bottom up – I can find very few CSS selectors that match what you’d expect in bp-default. But much of the markup looks like it’s derived from bp-default, and certainly about 3/4 of what they’re doing can be done out of the box with BP, BP Followers, and Achievements.



    @Djpaul is probably happy if they used achievements =D



    Not aware, but hopefully it gives an idea of what anyone else could recreate with a bit of time, a pinch of expertise, and BuddyPress.



    Whoa and here I was convinced they didn’t even use wordpress. hard to find in the source.



    I doubt it’s BP, why change every last CSS class and ID and js files to achieve the same effect?



    ? for sure? how can you tell or have you inside knowledge?



    it’s not ,sorry,friend of my @ work told me his sure, but I’ve just checked the code and run some tests to be sure and came to conclusion they are not using bp or wp.

    when you’re not sure if the site is using wp or bp you can test it by :
    if you’re logged in and try to post something(comment or activity update), before you post it , open the same link in another tab ,then logout there and then go back to the first tab and hit post,it will show you the standard wp error ”are you sure you want to do this”

    another one is : you can check out the upload directory which in most cases is wp-content/uploads … (avtars, etz.)
    So Mashable is definitely not using WP OR BP.
    sorry :)



    I can confirm it is not BP. I asked @w3edge



    if you’re logged in but that’s unlikely to be the case :) should have run the tests before making the definite statement ;)



    I doubt it. A-lot of components are not there that look like buddypress.

    If you look here: They didn’t set the “flavor” to buddypress.



    Closing this topic because it is a fact Mashable are not running BuddyPress. End of story.



    ” you can check out the upload directory which in most cases is wp-content/uploads …”

    Not always a definitive as you can move that. ;)

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