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Media plugin: rtmedia or buddybossmedia ?

  • @kumir88


    Looking for a albums and photos plugin that will work with WP 4.1 Multiste and BP 2.2
    Rtmedia or Buddybossmedia ?

    Rtmedia allows multiple uploads at the same time, multiple albums.
    Buddybossmedia does not allow multiple uploads, allows multiple albums. Price : theme price of $60 to $120 plus media price $30 (approx)
    Rtmedia is a wordpress plugin freely downloadable.

    The Mediapress plugin does not work with WP 4.1 Multiste and BP 2.2
    What is the Media plugin the community is using most?

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  • @danbp


    Mediapress will work with multisite and when multi blog mode is enabled. At the moment media are specific to each site and not global.


    The plugin was recently updated.



    Mediapress does not work with multisite and when multi blog mode is enabled – even using the updated version. I have tested with Multisite (non subdomain – define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);)

    Rtmedia works smoothly without any problem, only thing is that the activity stream entries look ugly due to centrally placed thumbnails in a column.

    The p2 theme has a form that can directly add media or albums from user’s wordpress core media but there is no plugin to plug this into buddypress in a responsive theme. Sad!



    Yes, It works with multisite but I (@sbrajesh) strongly recommend not activating it network wide. Instead, activate on the main BuddyPress blog. Source.

    In other words, you upload the plugin and activate it from the WP plugin admin, not from the network admin.

    And MediaPress works on a multisite install:
    At least for pictures.

    As MediaPress is still in beta, thought you can’t expect to have anything to work flawlessly.

    It’s not “it doesn’t work” (without giving details), but it works partially. 😉




    My set up is WP 4.1, BP 2.2 – Multisite config – define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
    Users can both register and create sites and have their individual blogs.
    The admin user can upload photos but when a non-admin user tries he or she can create a gallery but gets error message when tries to upload an image
    “abc.jpg(82 kb)x This file type is not allowed in current gallery. Only files are allowed!”

    In the same setup and scenario there is no such problem with rtmedia.
    I think there are reported but unsolved issues regarding this in github page of mediapress
    You can reproduce this in your localhost [ Multisite config – define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);]
    Create site and user, and then login as that user and try to upload. You will get an error message.

    The other problem is that – when you want to favorite a photo after you have clicked a thumbnail and reach the photo page, there is no Favorite button. In case of photos that were uploaded yesterday or a few days back you cannot go on searching the activity stream particularly when there are a lot of comments etc

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