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member class

  • lonecrowdotnet


    Not sure if this is the right place for this question but…

    I noticed that bp_members() returns a completely different member object then

    With bp_members() you get access to things like:
    bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=Name of contact’ )

    Which don’t exist at all with bp_group_members()

    Wouldn’t the better approach be to have a single member class. Then the method you use to retrieve a collection of that class wouldn’t matter at all.

    Or maybe I am just doing it wrong. Is there a way to get “bp_members() ” to only return members of a given group? Say for example: bp_members(“group_id=3”)


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  • lonecrowdotnet


    Has anyone ever produced a class diagram for BuddyPress?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    The first part of a function’s name are for function namespacing. bp_group_ is in the Groups component, and bp_members_ is in the core component (renamed to the Members component for 1.3).



    Thanks for the comment. But how does that explain the fact the there are two different functions that both return collections of members; but that each function returns a different member class with different fields/properties available?

    Is this a purposeful design pattern common to PHP or WordPress apps? or is it just a product of open source development and the lack of an over riding design model?

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