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Member Count Incorrect

  • @nunomad



    I’ve just launched a new membership site using WordPress 3.0.1 and Buddypress 1.0.3. The member count on the directory says I have 8 members. However, when I go through the directory alphabetically I count 11 members. Not sure why it’s off. On the WP dashboard in Users the count is also 11. Any ideas?

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  • @rogercoathup


    @nunomad – slightly off track – why’ve you gone with 1.0.3? That’s an old old version. The latest BuddyPress (and the best option for support, etc.) is 1.2.5



    Woah. I would strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest version. 1.0.3 is a substantially different code base, and more important, it has security issues which the newer versions don’t have.



    I’m embarrassed to say this, but when I put my site together, WP, Buddypress, bbpress and s2member there was something incompatible about the newer version of buddypress and I had to return to the older version. Now I am not remembering what the problem was – only made note to myself never to go back to the newer version.



    I do seem to remember we used to see odd count numbers with 1.0.3. on one site. Unfortunately, it’s no longer up and running, and I don’t have the code anymore.



    OK, I just upgraded to the newest buddypress and my layout is completely screwed up. I am using the thesis 1.5.1. theme. Before, my regular pages looked like the thesis theme and my buddypress pages used the default.
    With the new buddypress the default theme seems to take over my non-buddypress pages and make a total mess. Does anyone know the fix for this?




    yes, they were on separate themes in 1.0.3, but the primary site and BP pages now share a single theme.

    If you take a look at this plugin, you should be able to update thesis for BuddyPress:

    Once updated, activate the theme in your admin system and select it instead of the default.

    I’m sure others will have updated thesis, so you might be able to get specific help if you run into difficulties.

    I suggest asking them as a separate forum thread.

    Good luck!



    p.s. you might hit problems if you are using forums, as the current version of BP (1.2.x) doesn’t support a single ‘standalone’ forum. I’ve a feeling this was supported in 1.0.3

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