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Member Directory CSS (search bar too big etc.)

  • @sydlyisaacs


    Hi everyone –

    I am DESPERATE for a solution to my CSS issues here. I’ve been messing around with this for hours and cannot figure it out.

    You can see on my site

    that the search bar for this member dirctory is like, insanely big. I have no idea why it looks like that and I cannot get any coding to make it a normal size.

    Additionally, though less urgent, I would like any CSS code to mess with the way this page looks. For instance, I don’t want the “last active” tag on the users’ directory profiles, and I’m not keen on the grey rectangles encompassing the avatars either.

    Does anyone have good code to fix this? Thanks!

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  • @iamthewebb



    I’m no expert but if you use F12 and use the Pick an element button to inspect you can see that the search box and search buttons have sizes that won’t fit on the same line. i.e. the button has a width of 20% and the search input has a width of 80% but the padding will push these out so they won’t fit on the same line, if you drop the seach box to 70% they’ll both move to the same line.
    Then next the box has a margin-bottom: 24px; which is what is making it so high.

    You could always try another theme?




    your site looks pretty great. Im sorry a little late to reply.. but it looks like you sorted out the theme problem?

    …out of curiosity –which theme are you using. It looks great.



    Hi, thanks to you both for the replies!

    Yes – I actually resolved it by using the Youzer add-on that allows for customization of the membership, login, and registration pages. It’s a great plugin – would recommend if you guys aren’t already using it.

    And @coolhunt I’m using the theme called Shapely by colorlib! It’s a fun one for sure.

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