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Member Directory Usernames

  • @rcwild


    We are having an issue with the way usernames are being displayed in our member directory. We are using MemberPress with BuddyPress.

    The issue came about because I did not realize there was an admin setting that forced email addresses to become usernames. That setting has since been changed. Some usernames are very problematic for our members and we want to change them.

    I am a canyoneering instructor, not a technician, so I hired a competent technician who was able to edit one username in the database as a test, but the original email address version of the username is still being displayed on the members’ profile page.

    The member whose username was changed as a test is Tyler Miller. His original (forced) username was tyler-millerzionadventures-com. He is no longer working for Zion Adventure Company. Our technician was able to change his username to tyler.miller and that is how it appears when I look at his WordPress profile. But the URL to his member profile is: and tyler-millerzionadventures-com is still being displayed on his member profile page.

    In contrast, I created my own member profile without the forced email address username setting. This is the URL to my member profile: My username is being displayed correctly as rich-carlson

    Please help. Is there a simple way to change the username and have it displayed correctly in multiple places? Or are there multiple fields in the database that must be changed?

    ALSO … While researching this issue we also discovered an issue with the search filters in the member directory. When alphabetical is selected, the directory displays all 86 members. But when either last active or newest registered is selected only 5 members are displayed. This problem is new. It was displaying all members regardless of filter just a few days ago.

    Thank you in advance for your prompt assistance.
    wordpress 6.0.1
    buddypress 10.3.0
    memberpress 1.9.39
    memberpress + buddypress 1.1.16

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  • @rcwild


    I just noticed something else odd in the member directory. There is a note on many members that says “Not recently active”. But that includes a couple guys who I know were on the site within the last few days, yet I see one guy who has not been on in 1 year, 7 months, and that period is listed without saying “Not recently active”.

    It seems when I choose to sort by “Last Active” the directory is only showing those who are not listed with “Not recently active”, including the guy who has not been on in 1 year, 7 months. “Newest Registered” displays the same 5 people, just in a different order.



    I cannot speak to conflicts / issues re memberpress.
    You should be able to edit profile fields for tyler.miller.
    Go to wp-admin > users > tyler.miller and select ‘extended profile’.
    That should show his profile fields and one of them probably has the old user name.



    Thank you for the reply, shanebp, but quite sure that is not the issue. Usernames are in the main WP profile and cannot be changed via admin. That is why my tech guy had to go into the database.

    It seems BuddyPress is creating the URL slug from the username and it is the slug that appears on the member’s profile page. So we need to figure out how to change the slug and not only the username.



    > Usernames are in the main WP profile
    They are also in the BP profile via xprofile data

    >my tech guy had to go into the database

    Did he search the whole database for that user name?
    I’ll bet it is in the xprofile table.



    great post keep guiding peoples for latest information .



    Display username in members directory how to use ?

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