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Member part doesn't exist

  • @coldjippie


    Hey, me again!

    I’ve installed WordPress µ in the root directory and I created 2 blogs. One as a website and one for the network. When I tried to go to my member page (/members/admin/) with the “Who’s online?” widget I’ve got the 404 error. If I go to “Members” in the menu, I arrived at a buddypress site but without the list of members (members already exist). If I try to reach /social/members/admin (social is the blog directory) I get a blank page like the member page. What’s wrong?



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  • @jeffsayre


    Where do you have your home and members themes installed? Are you using the default themes or a custom theme? Have you selected the themes to use in WPMU’s backend?




    I also have the same problem as him. I just upgraded my installation to wpmu 2.8 and buddypress 1.03 and when I go to I dont see the lsit of members. When I click on it when not logged in, I get a blank profile page, that says “not recently active”. By the way I installed the default buddypress member theme and this still happens.

    So what have we done wrong??

    I really hope someone here could help us.





    I’ve installed the default themes and moved the bp-themes folder into the wp-content/themes folder (the default home theme is only in wp-content/themes). In the Backend of Buddypress I get this:

    You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.

    Please move the default BuddyPress themes to their correct location (move /www/htdocs/********/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /www/htdocs/********/wp-content/bp-themes/) and reload this page. You can download more themes here.

    But I’ve already done this, what do I wrong?





    Ok, I’ve looked the tutorial of Andy with the install of BuddyPress on a Mac and I updated my folder structur. The bp-themes are now wp-content folder and I don’t get a error message anymore. But If I click on the “member” link in the home theme I don’t get a list of members like in the installation of Andy. And if I click on my name in the upper right corner I see this with my default theme of the root blog:

    Error 404 – Not Found

    What I have to do?





    I need some help!



    Log into WPMU as the Site Administrator.

    Go to “BuddyPress > General Settings > Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”. Select the default BP member theme.

    Then hit the “Save Settings” button.





    Which version of WPMU are you running?

    Which version of BuddyPress?



    I’m running WordPress µ 2.8.2:

    You are using WordPress MU 2.8.2.

    I don’t know the version of BuddyPress but I downloaded the latest one (at this site)



    In the first picture you linked to, it shows that you have “BuddyPress Default Member Theme (1.0.1)” installed. This is an older theme that is not compatible with version 1.0.2 or 1.0.3.

    You must install the theme files that come with the version of BuddyPress that you are using.

    Read the “Installation” section of the readme.txt file that comes with BuddyPress.



    Ok, thank you. I’m now using the default home theme version 1.0.3 and the member theme 1.0.3 (both are activated and used)

    But I’ve got the same error yet like in my older post. If I click on “Blog” (the url says blog too) the navigation item “members” is active. It’s all the same.



    Update: For testing I actived the Default Home Theme for the root blog but that is almost the same result. One thing is different: If I click on “Blog”, “Members”, “Blogs” or the admin link I get this:

    The page was not found



    Suprise, suprise! It’s running. I’ve installed WordPress MU in a folder in a folder and now it’s running. But don’t ask me why the root installation doesn’t work with buddypress in a folder.



    I have to install WordPress MU in the root directory because I want that a domain point to the buddypress blog (/community), so I got the same error. If I install WordPress MU in a folder all works fine but then the visitors see the right url (/net/wp) and not the domain. Could it be that this is a buddypress bug?

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