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Member waiting list (beta invites)

  • @synaptic


    Is there a plugin for people to request access by giving their emails and being put on a waiting list? The way that so many startups do it with a beta sign-up page where after a while you get an email with a special unique invitation code with which you can sign up to their website.



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  • @ubernaut


    to deal with limited capacity in some terms generally speaking.






    capacity limitations



    again, I have no idea what you are talking about, can you please write in clear full sentences? if English is not your main language, try using google or bing translate



    @synaptic I picked up on what @ubernaut meant and his English is pretty good 🙂  I might have ended sentences with a question mark though.


    As for the plugin, no nothing exists as far as I’m aware, you will probably need to build the functionality.




    thanks @hnla

    can you explain what “to deal with limited capacity in some terms generally speaking.” and “capacity limitations” have to do with my question of whether a beta invite plugin exists?


    I’ve read the sentence fragments over and over again and I’m just as befuddled as before. maybe this is some sort of developer lingo I’m unfamiliar with?




    I took it to be asking whether the requirement was in order to limit the number of people getting a first taste of a beta implementation,  i.e with a beta you intend or need to limit the number of people having access to a beta while testing, but other than that I’m not speculating further, we’ll let @ubernaut clarify.



    yes that’s precisely what i mean testing a new service is complicated and putting people on a waiting list is a good way to limit the complications and also allows you to scale up your server resources as needed instead of having to go from 0 users to a million overnight.



    @ubernaut ah, now I understand! yes, this is what I was also thinking… so… how can we do this? is there any plugin that has this feature? or one that can be built upon or…?





    sounds like you’re gonna have to build it yourself not really a developer/programmer myself.



    neither am I but I imagine you can take an existing invite plugin and add some features to it to make it an invite beta sort of plugin, that is unless you want to start from scratch



    I’m opening this up again in the hopes that someone who knows something will see it this time:

    I’m looking for a plugin that would allow me to put up a page like this one:

    and to collect name/email from those interested in joining as members for my site

    I do NOT want to block off the site from them if they are not members or haven’t joined yet, like so many beta plugins do. For example:

    Review: Closed Beta WordPress Plugin

    I want them to be able to find the site, read it, etc. but not to be able to signup, except for through an invitation request.

    I know there is a plugin called invite anyone, but this is to allow existing users to invite friends to join. I want to be able to accept invitation requests from the public.



    you might not need any plugin at all (besides possibly jetpack or some other form submission thing). i think how i would do that is to close registration put up a request form then manually add members that you approve through admin.

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