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Members connecting with eachother

  • @dave8528


    I saw a BuddyPress theme somewhere that showed a “Connect” button in front of a member which seem to enable users to connect with one another. I was wondering if there a special plugin for that or if there’s a custom code that can accomplish this.


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  • @dave8528


    any help or tips here!!?? ….pleeeeezzzz



    I’m not aware of a plugin or code re ‘Connect’.
    But then you don’t explain what you expect ‘Connect’ to do.
    You’ll need to do a thorough search for any existing solutions.



    Thanks for reply @shanebp . What I mean is, just like Facebook that you can “Add” somebody to you network of friends which they get to accept or deny connection. I don’t know what terms of search should have inputted which as of now I have zero results for my search. Thanks again.



    @dave8528 , do you just mean a button on a profile page used for adding friends that says “Connect”?



    I guess so….since I don’t see that button on mine! …am I missing something? (of course the “Connect button”)…dahh



    Just replied to another post which might be what you are after….see below. Saves me typing it out again 🙂



    Hi @dave8528,

    Replying to your q in the other thread here. Firstly if you aren’t already doing so, make sure whatever changes/amendments to code are done in a child theme if you aren’t doing so already (Google search WordPress Child Themes).

    Just checked the code and it seems to be working fine. You may not be seeing the button if you have cover images activated on your profile pages? If you do, the file you want is “cover-image-header.php” The member-header.php is used when cover images aren’t active. Was just using it as an example location.



    Hi @mcuk,

    Brilliant! It works well. However, I seem to have had some issues with CSS file which once I reverted to the original, the “Add Friend” button showed up. I was trying to redesign the out-of-the-box BuddyPress, but failed. I need to find a better looking CSS to replace the original. Is there a boxed-up CSS designs out there for BuddyPress that you know of?

    Again, thanks for all help!




    Not 100% sure what you mean. Do you mean that you had done some custom CSS styling of the buttons which have not been applied to the new one you just created?

    If so then where you have inserted the code <div id="another-friend-button">…etc into your cover-image-header.php, just replace the id="another-friend-button" part with whatever ID or Class you have used on your other buttons.

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