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Members Page Message

  • LwEEs


    I’m trying to create a short message on the members page of my buddypress installation for non-registered users to see. The idea is that if someone is visiting my site and they don’t know about buddypress the members page should have some information about becoming a member and inviting the visitor to register. Instead the members page is full of members and no information. I don’t want the message on the sidebar but rather in the body of the members page when a logged off user visits the page. Any idea how can i get to that specific part of the code, or maybe a plugin. Thanks a lot guys.

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  • Nahum


    i’ve done this by adding a message box b/n the header and div content line in the home.php of the bp-default/members/single folder. i’ve hardcoded the message but you could probably pull in a specific wp page’s content.

    would be good to have a plugin that would let you admin a message in case there’s news or updates to the message if you think its going to change that often. I don’t see a need for one since you could just change the content from the wp page you’re pulling the message from.



    would be good to have a plugin that would let you admin a message in case there’s news or updates to the message if you think its going to change that often.

    I believe that was the original intention for the site notices in BP:


    You can re-position the notices display with the following template tag:

    if ( function_exists( 'bp_message_get_notices' ) )



    nahummadrid and r-a-y, thanks a lot guys, you are great. I like both ideas, and let me tell you the notices one blew my mind away. I really need to read more into this, I’m sure there’s more information in the documentation right? Thanks again guys.



    @r-a-y i guess i mean more for a public message for non logged in. best example that I can think of is the logged out twitter or blipfm message box above profiles prompting new eyeballs to register.

    never really knew about the notices feature. where does it currently display?



    Yeap, the notices is not what I need, the problem with hard-coding the message is that both logged in user and non logged in users are going to see the message. Better than nothing but still not what I’m looking to do.



    ‘<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>

    <?php locate_template( array(‘loggedinmessage.php’), true) ?>

    <?php else:?>

    <?php locate_template( array(‘forloggedoutmessage.php’), true) ?>

    <?php endif;?>’

    something like this. there’s probably a better way to do it but this works for me. in your message file edit it the way you want to manage your message. this is 2 messages, you can leave out the first one to show blank for logged in users



    Testing this right now, thanks a lot nahummadrid.

    Would a conditional shortcode plugin like this one work, even if hard coded?



    Use the widget logic plugin to add a text widget to your members page via bp conditional tags.

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