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Membership with BP & Gameleon Theme

  • @doncgarner


    Hi, I am trying to implement membership sign up and registration with BuddyPres and the WP Gameleon Gaming Theme. I have a game site called that I’m greating for my son. I’m ironing out all of the kinks, and buggs now…Membership is one of the bugs!!! Can Anyone tell me HOW To: Set-up and add the registration, login, to the Gameleon Widget in my Right Sidebar Gameleon Ajax Login/Register widget? Also, after the registration…I DON’T want to put the Activation Link On A Visiable Page in my menue!!! At All! And is it Neccessary with Buddypress. Should I delete the Ajax Gameleon Login/Registration Widget or keep it? Remember, I DON’T want login, register, and activation pages to show up in my main menu! How do I fix this the Easy Way! VERY IMPORTANT!!!…..I DON’T want members or guest to have Backend access to my site, I only want them to have FRONTEND Access. They should never know my site is a WordPress Website…Just a Nice Online Gaming Website Community.

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  • @synaptic


    I suggest you use a plugin like S2member to handle membership and login. Regarding specific theme issues, it is best to contact the creator of the theme, Tiguan on



    Thanks Asynaptic. It seems like the best best on a plugin either that or WP Symposium! Blessings.

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