messaging error
I’ve sent messages out with no problem, then received a reply, but when i respond to that reply i get this error >
Cannot load bp-messages.php.
any ideas?
Can anyone else confirm this happening to them?
I’m having the same problem. Running bp RC1, and wpmu 2.7
Can you be more specific as to the error message please? ‘Cannot load XXX’ doesn’t seem to be associated with any error message in bp or wpmu that I can find.
That’s the exact error message, all alone on a page.
There isn’t any other information at all.
The page that it’s trying to load is
I did find some threads about that type of msg in my googling around. They all seemed to have somthing to do with a plugin that was hooking the url resolution mechanism. Got any anti-spam plugins?
As a matter of fact these errors only occurred in the admin area of wp.
I am running sk2 for anti-spam.
Will try disabling that temporarily to troubleshoot.
But this error is not in the admin area at all–on a user page.
Does that url look right? Should the reply button be calling to wp-admin?
Disabling spamkarma 2 did not do the trick.
I am running buddypress in a subdirectory–not the root of the wpmu install
(wpmu is in and buddypress in ). Could that be the source of the problem? Doing it this way has caused other problems, all of which I’ve been able to solve so far!
Please report the problems you’ve had and your fixes, that way we can clear them up for others.
OK–I’ll start another thread for that–not that I think my solutions are the best. They’re ugly workarounds in most cases!
But I’m still trying to figure out this messaging problem.
Bumping this up to see if anyone else has encountered it or found a solution. Messages work fine, replies not at all.
Which versions of BuddyPress and WPMU are you running?
BuddyPress RC-1 and WPMU 2.7
There have been various messaging bug fixes to RC1 since it was packaged. Either you should upgrade to the newest trunk (read this thread: then this thread: ) or wait for a packaged zip of RC2.
Remember, BuddyPress has not yet been officially released as version 1.0. This means that it is a work in progress and changes are literally being made to it everyday. Running it in a production environment is strongly discouraged until it is officially released.
Thanks, Jeff–I understand and wasn’t complaining (not really!). This is just the one nagging little difficulty that remains in the otherwise nearly flawless install I have running.
Joe, you’re welcome–and I didn’t think that your were nagging
I was just being thorough!
If you’re not comfortable with upgrading to trunk, I’d suggest waiting until a packaged zip of RC2 comes out. If you are comfortable, then give it a try! I think it will solve your problem.
Good luck!
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