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Meta query count for Buddypress Group Members

  • @carlen


    I am trying to work something like this (below) to count all members in a group that have a certain meta value. I am sure there are several ways to do this, but i am new to php and buddypress and can see filter options for groups, or meta queries for all users, but have not figured out how to just run a query for members within a group. I am using this to display summary statistics in the group header.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    $args = array(   
        'meta_query' => array(
              'key' => ‘action_one_total’,
              'value' => ’88’,
              'compare' => ‘=‘
        'count_total' => true
    $users = new WP_User_Query($args);
    print_r( $users->get_total() );		
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  • @shanebp


    You don’t need the meta_query in your example.

    You can use one of these classes:

    Using the former class is more verbose but maybe easier to follow at first:

    function group_members_counter() {
    	$args = array(
    		'group_id' 		=> 1,  // bp_get_group_id(), or pass in a group id
    		'exclude_admins_mods' 	=> false
    	$group_members_result = groups_get_group_members( $args );
    	$group_members_ids = array();
    	foreach(  $group_members_result['members'] as $member ) {
    		$group_members_ids[] = $member->ID;
    	echo 'group member ids: ' . implode(", ", $group_members_ids);
    	if ( ! empty ( $group_members_ids ) ) {
    		$args = array(
    			'include' 		=> $group_members_ids,
    			'meta_key'		=> 'action_one_total',
    			'meta_value'		=> '88',  
    			'populate_extras' 	=> false
    		$members = new BP_User_Query( $args );
    		echo '<br>matching meta count: ' . $members->total_users;
    	} else {
    		echo 'There are no group members.';
    add_action( 'bp_ready', 'group_members_counter' );



    Shane this is brilliant and exactly what I was looking for!

    …hours getting no where. I can’t thank you enough!



    Hi everybody

    The method that Shane provided, is really good. I am looking to add a similar feature to disable certain groups. I followed this guide and customized it to make a query that will filter out disabled groups. Everything seems to be working fine except the group count inside the timeline. From where can I find and edit the group count??

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