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Missing slugs?

  • @sulley



    I’m testing BP 1.2 on a local installation of WP 2.9.2 and trying to customize slugs by adding them to bp-custom.php

    I’d like to know how to customize some slugs like:

    activity -> just-me

    activity -> favorites

    activity -> mentions

    profile -> public

    profile -> edit

    profile -> change-avatar

    messages -> inbox

    messages -> sentbox

    messages -> compose

    messages -> notice

    friends -> myfriends

    friends -> requests

    groups -> mygroups

    groups -> invite

    and so on.

    Also, in the activity header custom slugs aren’t working.

    I’ve set

    define ( 'BP_MEMBERS_SLUG', 'fans' );

    but the username’s url is still /members/username rather than /fans/username. Avatar’s link is right though.

    Thanks in advance

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  • @sulley


    Just checked some BP core files and I think those strings are still hard-coded.


    bp-themes/bp-default/groups/index.php (line #33)

    <a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain() . BP_GROUPS_SLUG . '/my-groups/'

    Is there a way to add these slugs? Otherwise those links will remain in en-EN language regardless of language used on WP installation.



    Sorry to bump the thread again but since I’m going to launch a non-english BP site these slugs need to be translated.

    Can someone suggest me how to hack the files or maybe there’ll be new language strings for these slugs in 1.2.2 version?

    Thanks again. :)



    I also miss these slugs. I hope they will be part of the next buddypress version. The modification of the members slug worked fine for me.



    Yeah, those aren’t changeable at the moment without hacking the core. Submit an enhancement ticket to trac for 1.3, and it’ll get done.



    Ticket opened. Thanks. :)




    It would be nice if you post the link to that ticket here, for all the others who have that same problem (like me, hehe) to be able to follow it’s progress ;)




    Juanma, chequea tu perfil porqeu no se puede acceder clickeando tu nick. Creo que es porque pusiste guion medio…

    Juanma, check your profile as I cannot access it through clicking your nick. I think it is caused by using the hyphen…



    Gracias! el_terko, la verdad no me había dado cuenta porque el sistema me dejaba comentar y por ahora no había hecho más que eso :P. Al final me tuve que crear un usuario nuevo, gracias por el aviso!

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