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Modified mail message registration

  • Hello all! How to change mail message than registration on Buddypress?

    I wanna make for example:

    Hello there,

    Your password: dscvnju

    Your name: user

    Call your friend to register at “socialname”!




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  • @djpaul


    That email is sent as part of WPMU and as such it is best to ask this at their forums. I bet this question comes up lots.

    ok i’m sorry



    It’s basically impossible. You have to hack core files.



    It is not impossible and achieveable with a little code

    so.. where is code?? where is the file than i have change?



    Like I said, at this question on the WPMU forums / search on the WPMU forums.

    Back when BP was pre-beta, I used to use the following code on a test installation. I post it here just to try to counteract this notion that it is “impossible” to change the welcome text email. Please note I am not supporting this code and I’m not even saying that it will still work. YMMV.



    Has editing the activation/welcome email become any easier in versions 1.1.3/1.2?

    What changes have been made?

    Is the pastebin code now obsolete? I’ve noticed in 1.1.3 the default setting (?) is that new members enter their own password on the sign-up form, so I guess the “you will receive *another email* with your login” no longer applies?



    I’ve tried this regular WordPress plugin for New User Email Setup, but it didn’t do anything at all for Buddypress activation.

    This BuddyPress Registration Options has some very useful features that I probably need anyway, but it still doesn’t allow you to change the From and Subject lines. [username] seems to be the only available tag, not [fullname]. You can’t make any changes unless you check Moderate New Members.

    Why is more control over the registration process not built into the Buddypress core? It’s essential to a social network imho.




    The BuddyPress Registration Options is, indeed, a useful plugin. It does not work on 1.2 bleeding but hopefully will be updated

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