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[Resolved] Moving a group update in a forum topic

  • @cartographer


    Hi there,

    I would like to ask if it is possible to move a status/group update inside a forum topic.

    Sometimes the users add group updates in activity instead of replying in the related topics.

    Thank you!

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  • @danbp


    There is no pre-built solution. But you can do this manually, from the dashboard. Copy the activity content to a topic answer and delete the initial activity.

    If you use group forums, a good solution would be to remove the what’s new form from the group template. A radical way to avoid confusion. Of course, not usefull in all case.

    A group status/update is stored in bp_activity table
    A topic is stored in wp_post table, both with meta registering. In brief, these tables haven’t the same structure and the value is not handled by the same script. To explain why it is not on hand actually.

    If you have only a few such incident, it will not be difficult to do. If this happens many times a day, it becames fastidious. Educate your user and be patient. 😉



    Thank you @danbp

    But how can I create a new topic answer for another member? Is this possible?



    See …/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=reply
    in the right column, you can manipulate the answer attributes.
    You will need the subject and the user ID first. Old school software required: paper and pencil



    Thank you @danbp!!!

    You just saved me from many headaches!!!



    Tell me that after you’re done, after 10 moving or so 😉

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